At Temple Hill, we are pleased to offer a variety of age appropriate ministries to assist you and your family. For a listing and description of our ministries, see below and click on the links to be directed to the ministry of your choice.
Infant Nursery: for children ages 0-2 years old. Available every Sunday morning during the Celebration Service and Growth Groups. If you are interested in serving or have questions about this ministry, please see Cassie Shepardson.
Puggles: (2-3 year old). Meets every Sunday during the Celebration Service. If you are interested or have questions, please see Anya Soules.
Preschool (ages 4-5): Children in this age group start out in the Celebration Service are dismissed following the conclusion of our song time for Kids Church. The time includes a Bible story, an active game, an activity (like a craft or coloring page), and of course, a snack time! There is also a similar program for them during Growth Groups. If you are interested in serving or have questions about this ministry, please see Sarah Kline. We also have a Wednesday night AWANA program (Cubbies) for this age group, led by Deb Dyer.
Kindergarten – 5th Grade: Children are divided into two classes – K-2nd grades, and 3rd-5th grades. Children in this age group start out in the Celebration Service are dismissed following the conclusion of our song time for Club 631. The time includes an activity, a Bible story, and other fun, interactive activities. The students also break up into age-appropriate classes for Growth Group (when offered). If you have questions, please see Kate Hoekwater. We also have a Wednesday night AWANA program for this age group, which is actually divided into K-2nd grade (Sparks led by Tom Houseman) and 3rd – 5th grade (TNT led by Bruce Schroeder and Sue Shaw).
Junior High and Senior High (6th – 12th grade): Students participate in an age appropriate Growth Group, when offered. As well, we host a Jr. High Youth Group, called MORPH, every Sunday night from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm.
Women’s Ministry: We offer a number of different options including a Ladies Bible study, and a number of special events. See the Women’s Ministry page for specific details.
Men’s Ministry: A number of men gather together on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month from 7:30 am – 9:30 am for fellowship, prayer, and Bible study. They also organize and do a number of service projects throughout the year!
Saints Alive: Young and old are invited to join us for a monthly hymn sing in the Fellowship Hall. It will take place on the third Thursday of every month. Ken and Judy Nichols, along with Shirley Taylor, will be leading the singing.
Eph. 5:19 “Speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord.”
Small Groups: We also offer small group options September – May. Typically they meet on the second and fourth Sunday of the month. If you have questions or are interested in joining a small group, please see Pastor Bart.
Temple Hill Baptist Church
1601 W. Division Street
Cadillac, MI 49601
Tel: 231-775-4942
Sunday Celebration Service 9:30 AM
Growth Groups 11:00-11:50 AM (will have intermittent breaks between series)
Small Groups (school year) Various. Call church office to get more details on Small Groups
Student Ministry (Morph) – Sr. High and Jr. High 6:00-8:00 PM (except in the summer)
AWANA Clubs (during school year) 6:30-8:00 PM
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Tell your friends and family about us. We are a ever growing church that follows the teaching of the Bible and our Lord God.